Saturday 22 June 2013

Christopher C Knight on Hockey Fouls

Christopher Charles Knight is passionate about Ice Hockey. Many people find ice hockey a little jarring to watch, especially as it so frequently seems as though ice hockey is just one massive brawl waiting to happen. Believe it or not, there are fouls and penalties in ice hockey and Christopher C Knight is here to explain them to us.

To begin, Christopher C Knight, born 10 March 1973, explains that a penalty in ice hockey is the name of the punishment issued for violating the Rules of Hockey. In the case of a foul, the offending player is removed from the ice and made to sit in the so called penalty box for a set amount of time. During the penalty, the offending team is forced to play with one less player than normal. These conditions are called a power play. Christopher C Knight notes that the player sitting in the penalty box is often subjected to jeers and taunts, including having live fish hurled at them from the spectators.
Penalties are systematically rated, Christopher C Knight explains. The ranking system is termed by how “minor” or “major” a given penalty is. For example, you can have a “double minor” penalty, which obviously is less major than a “major” penalty. The worst type of penalty is called “gross misconduct”. Gross misconduct is considered more major than other major penalties. For definition of gross misconduct, Christopher C Knight turns to rule 4.7B of the Hockey Canada Rule Book, which states that "A Gross Misconduct penalty shall be assessed [to] any player or team official who conducts herself in such a manner as to make a travesty of the game.” For example: a player who consumes alcohol prior to or during the game, a player becoming involved in a fight or any person saying discriminatory things to another person.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Why You Should Give to Charity with Christopher C Knight

Christopher Charles Knight, the forty year old Chief Executive Officer of Knight Holdings, spends most of his free time and disposable income working to improve the lives of people in poor and struggling nations. These nations that Christopher C Knight assists are often in the developing world. However, Christopher C Knight knows that most charitable efforts start at home. Christopher C Knight has provided a list of easy ways for the average person to reach out to charitable organizations.

First, go through your closet and donate the clothes, handbags and shoes that you no longer wear or use to an organization that can benefit from them. Christopher C Knight is a big fan of Goodwill and The Salvation Army. These organizations are great because the profits they make from selling your old clothes are spent on charity. Furthermore, both organizations dedicate themselves to creating jobs for people who are struggling. Goodwill is one of the top employers of people who are recovering from addiction, homelessness and mental illness.

Second, Christopher C Knight urges you to look for other outreach programs in your community. If you choose to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, you could spend a day building a home for a family in need. In addition to being a very rewarding experience, it is a great way to burn calories in time for swimsuit season. Additionally, food banks and soup kitchens are always looking for more volunteers to sort and serve food. Christopher C Knight knows that helping serve food to the hungry is one of the most rewarding things a person can choose to do.
Finally, Christopher C Knight implores you to consider donating money to any number of international organizations that dedicate themselves to serving the needy domestically and abroad. Though volunteered time is excellent, a little bit of money goes a long way.

Christopher C Knight was born an American on March 10th, 1973, and currently resides in New York and London, England.

Friday 14 June 2013

Christopher C Knight on the Importance of Civic Action

Christopher C Knight, born 10 March 1973, is the 40 year old Chief Executive Officer of Knight Holdings. In his spare time, Christopher Charles Knight dedicates his life and disposable income to enacting change in suffering and developing nations. Christopher C Knight is passionate about ensuring that people in countries like India, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and former members of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have access to clean water, medicine and shelter.

One of the ways that Christopher C Knight is able to accomplish the things that he sets out to do is by being an active and engaged citizen. Christopher C Knight knows that it is important for citizens to take an active role in government if they would like to enact change. One of the ways that Christopher C Knight does this is by teaming up with members of Parliament to make a difference. Christopher C Knight has some advice for anyone who is looking to become more civically engaged.

First, Christopher C Knight recommends that you start small and local. If you are an American, it would obviously be very difficult for you to march into the White House and convince the President to change his policies on your account. However, Christopher C Knight has had great success petitioning smaller, local bodies of government to rethink their existing policies. If there is a change that you would like to see in your community, take a page out of Christopher C Knight’s book and hunt down your local alderman!

Christopher C Knight also encourages you to never underestimate the power of social media. Many successful political movements begin online. Look for like-minded citizens on Twitter and Facebook. You never know when you will find another person who is willing to help you fight for the changes you would like to see in the community.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Christopher C Knight on Combatting the Spread of AIDS

Christopher C Knight has spoken time and time again on the many ways you can prevent the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Unfortunately, the fact remains the HIV and AIDS are a fact of life in our day and age. Christopher Charles Knight, aged forty, has some ideas on how best to combat the spread of HIV and AIDS.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a slowly replicating retrovirus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV infections typically occurs by transfer of bodily fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate or breast milk. Though no cure exists today for HIV or AIDS, Christopher C Knight knows that it is only a matter of time before we completely stop the spread of HIV and AIDS.

First, early intervention is important. Christopher C Knight, born 10 March 1973, and his company, Knight Holdings, have devoted countless hours and dollars into the support of distribution of instant HIV testing kits, such as the ones produced by Medmira. These tests are able to instantly determine whether or not a person is HIV positive. Once a person is aware of their HIV status, they will be able to take the necessary steps to prevent spreading the disease to others.

Second, Christopher C Knight knows that we as a society must take the time to educate people in developing nations about the proper ways to prevent the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Despite certain religious groups’ oppositions and objections the use of condoms, the prophylactic remains one of the least expensive and most effective ways to prevent the transmission of HIV and AIDS. The more people who are aware of what they can do to prevent the transmission of HIV and AIDS, the less new cases of HIV and AIDS we will see, particularly in developing nations. Christopher C Knight is committed to preventing the spread of HIV.

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Christopher C Knight on HIV Prevention

Christopher Charles Knight has dedicated countless hours and dollars to stemming the spread of HIV in the world. Christopher C Knight understands that the best way to halt the spread of HIV is to prevent its transmission. Christopher C Knight is here with some tips to prevent the transmission of HIV. Christopher C Knight was born an American on March 10th, 1973.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a slowly replicating retrovirus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV infections typically occurs by transfer of bodily fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate or breast milk. Though there is presently no cure for HIV or AIDS, Christopher C Knight believes that that the transmission of HIV is one hundred percent preventable.

First, do not share needles. Whatever reason you may have for using a hypodermic needle – and no one here is looking to judge you for your reasons – it is absolutely imperative that you do not share needles. There are programs in many places that will provide you with clean and sterile hypodermic needles at little or no cost to you. Christopher C Knight strongly urges everyone to seek out these programs in lieu of taking the unnecessary risks associated with needle sharing.

Second, Christopher C Knight reminds everyone to use condoms. Use condoms the first time you have sex with a new partner. Use condoms every time you have sex with a partner until such a time that you have elected to enter into a monogamous relationship and the both of you have been tested for sexually transmitted diseases of all types, including HIV.

Finally, Christopher C Knight reminds all sexually active persons to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS, on a regular schedule. Certainly, you should get tested every time you have sex with a new partner. Many clinics offer testing at little or no cost.